
Engaging in Research in a Beautiful Environment Near Mount Fuji

My name is Royhan Fermana Siddiq, and I’m from Indonesia. I am currently a second-year master’s student at the Graduate School of International Studies, University of Shizuoka. Both of my older brothers studied in Japan, so I grew up hearing about their experiences. Through them, I became interested in Japan’s education system and decided to study here myself.

Shizuoka offers not only high-quality educational institutions but also numerous scholarship opportunities for international students. I also love its beautiful natural surroundings, including Mount Fuji, a symbol of Japan. Additionally, there are many Indonesian communities here, and the support I’ve received from them has been invaluable.

On a typical day, I attend classes until the afternoon, then work part-time at a convenience store in the evening. I also frequently participate in volunteer activities and exchange events organized by the scholarship foundation that supports me.
After graduation, I plan to work in B2B sales at an automobile-related company in Shizuoka prefecture. My goal is to expand business opportunities between Indonesia and Japan and serve as a bridge between the two countries.

When I first moved to Shizuoka, I sometimes felt lonely due to language and cultural differences. However, after overcoming those challenges, I now feel like I have truly found myself. If you ever need help, senior students will always be there to support you.

For those considering studying abroad, I highly recommend setting clear goals and preparing well to achieve them. I wish you all the best!

(Interview conducted in January 2025)

Second-year Master’s Student, Graduate School of International Relations at Shizuoka Prefectural University Royhan Fermana Siddiq

From Indonesia.
Both of my older brothers studied in Japan. Through them, I became interested in Japan’s education system and decided to study here myself.