
2024年8月 留学生のための就職支援講座 「面接マナー・面接体験」が開催されました。



日時:8月1日 木曜日 13時30分~16時30分
場所:静岡大学浜松キャンパス 工学部7号館7-11
講師:しずおかジョブステーション 鎌田寿美子氏
   株式会社ソミックアドバンス 市川雄一郎氏
日時:8月6日 火曜日 13時00分~16時00分
場所:B-nest 静岡市産学交流センター 6階プレゼンテーションルーム・演習室4
講師:しずおかジョブステーション 鎌田寿美子氏
   しずおか焼津信用金庫 小野大輝氏




Shizuoka Association for International Relations, under the auspices of The Consortium of Universities and Local Communities in Shizuoka, held a job hunting support lecture for international students wishing to work for companies in Shizuoka Prefecture, to help them acquire the knowledge and manners necessary for employment and deepen their understanding of the industries and companies in Shizuoka Prefecture.

One of them, “Experience a Job interview” will be reported.
Job Hunting Support Lecture for International Students
“Experience a Job interview”
(at Hamamatsu)
Date : Tursday, August 1, 13:30 - 16:30 
Lecturer: Sumiko Kamata(Shizuoka job station)
Yuichiro Ichikawa(SOMIC ADVANCE INC.)
Place: Shizuoka University Hamamatsu Campus, 
Faculty of Engineering Building 7-11
Number of participants: 15

(at Shizuoka)
Date : Tuesday, August 6, 13:00 - 16:00 
Lecturer: Sumiko Kamata(Shizuoka job station)
Daiki Ono(Shizuoka Yaizu Shinkin Bank)
Place: B-nest Shizuoka City Industry-Academia Exchange Center 6th Floor Presentation Room
Number of participants: 7

In August, we held lectures on “Experience a Job interview” at two venues with instructor and staff from companies.
First, Ms. Kamata, who has experience as a recruiter at a company, gave a basic knowledge of “why we interview”, “what companies expect from international students”, and “”Recruitment in Japan“. After that, Ms. Kamada taught students about the interview process by showing us an actual sample.
The students also performed together with the instructor, following her example, and received detailed instructions on how to bow, open and close doors, and so on. The students commented, “It was very difficult,” and “I am glad you taught us the details.
In the next lecture, Ms.Kamata explained the questions that international students are often asked and their intentions and she gave advice on the importance of self-analysis and company research in order to answer all questions.
In the latter half of the session, we had a person from the company join us as an interviewer, and each of us had mock interviews. 
“Why did you come to Japan? “and “How long do you plan to stay in Japan?” and other broad-ranging questions, to which they were advised in response. And the instructor would then sometimes ask further questions in response.
After the mock interview, each instructor gave a critique and the course came to an end.
The instructor and staff from companies gave the following comments.
“There is no easy way to conquer an interview. You have to practice repeatedly and let your body learn.”
“Think about your answer to the question. In response to that answer, “Why?” repeatedly, you will be able to give a persuasive response to in-depth questions.”
(staff from companies)
“We make hiring decisions based on what department of the company we imagine the applicant will be able to work in. If you fail to research the company, you will end up giving a response that shows a discrepancy between what you want to do at the company and what the company can do for you. Also, if you are not able to analyze yourself, you will not be able to convey what you want to do at the company. Company research and self-analysis are important in job hunting.”
“(Japanese people sometimes cannot remember the names of international students.) If they say, “Please call me XX,” it gives a good impression that they have good communication skills.”
Participating students gave the following feedback.
“I'm glad you were able to guide me through all the details.”
“I now understand why interviews are so important.”
“I'm going to practice hard.”
We hope that they will make use of what they learned in this course to find employment in the future.